The research investigated three propositions – “drivers” of resilient national social contracts. This analytical framework was – developed through deep examination of the relevant bodies of literature and subject to extensive discussion with our Project Advisory Working Group.
Institutional Spheres & Mechanisms of social contract making
A second component of the analytical framework This study facilitated examination of considers how commitments in the “peacemaking” sphere at the national, political level (e.g. through a peace agreement) are linked to, and addressed in other spheres (transitional, governance, the everyday) and through related mechanisms. Researchers examined whether and how core conflict issues CCIs were addressed through these “social contract-making” spheres and mechanisms.
In addition to “peacemaking”, other spheres and related mechanisms can be defined as: “transitional” (i.e. sequenced dialogues, commissions, truth and reconciliation processes); “governance,” including both “official” (i.e. codified structures of government, formal institutions, national development plans, devolution frameworks/policies) and “hybrid” (i.e. where religious/ customary/ non-state actor and state mechanisms interact; and in the “everyday” sphere (i.e. citizen actions, practices, norms, mores). The everyday sphere also acts, in this study, as a litmus test to ascertain whether higher level, formalised agreements or processes effectively represent wider societal views.