Please explore our publications below. You are welcome to select a category or browse all.
Findings Documents
French language version of our Phase I Summary Findings: Forging Resilient Social Contracts
L’initiative « Forging Resilient Social Contracts: Preventing Violent Conflict and Sustaining Peace » (Établir des contrats sociaux résilients : prévenir les conflits violents et pérenniser la paix) est un projet de recherche et de concertation sur les actions à mener portant sur onze pays, qui vise à rétablir le contrat social face au conflit et à la fragilité afin de faire progresser les politiques et les pratiques en matière de prévention des conflits violents et d’instauration et de pérennisation de la paix.
Full Report
Project and Document Summary This comparative findings (full) report provides evidence and insight with detailed explanations of our summary findings across nine country cases, into what drives social contracts that are inclusive and resilient, and how they manifest and adapt in different contexts, transcending what are often unsustainable,
Summary Findings
Project and Document Summary This comparative findings summary report provides evidence and insight across nine country cases into what drives social contracts that are inclusive and resilient, and how they manifest and adapt in different contexts, transcending what are often unsustainable, ephemeral elite bargains into more inclusive ones, with durable arrangements for achieving and sustaining peace.
Discussion Document on Early Summary Findings
Project and Document Summary “Forging Resilient National Social Contracts” is a twelve-country research and policy dialogue project that aims to revitalise the social contract concept in contexts affected by conflict and fragility, in order to advance policy and practice for preventing violent conflict and achieving and sustaining peace.
Framing Documents
Study Framing Document
Executive Summary This working paper makes a case for rethinking the social contract concept in the contemporary era, in countries affected by conflict and/or fragility. Inspired by policy efforts to rethink the concept as a means to better address the challenges of peacebuilding and statebuilding, the paper aims
Bellagio Workshop and Report
Document and Event Summary Click above to download the full report. From February 26-March 3, 2017 the Project Working Group met in Bellagio,