Forging Resilient and Inclusive Social Contract and The Role of Local Governance Myanmar based academic institution.

Myanmar based academic institution. March 23, 2022 ​Presentation


Special Issue on our work in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

Our work is now published in the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, through a Special Issue (14:1) on ‘Resilient Social Contracts and Peace’. Five of our case studies are featured: South Africa, South Sudan, Tunisia, Colombia, and Bosnia and Hercegovina, as well as a deeper investigation into the role of inclusion in forging resilient social contracts. View journal issue and access complimentary opening article.


French language version of our Phase I Summary Findings: Forging Resilient Social Contracts

L’initiative « Forging Resilient Social Contracts: Preventing Violent Conflict and Sustaining Peace » (Établir des contrats sociaux résilients : prévenir les conflits violents et pérenniser la paix) est un projet de recherche et de concertation sur les actions à mener portant sur onze pays, qui vise à rétablir le contrat social face au conflit et à la fragilité afin de faire progresser les politiques et les pratiques en matière de prévention des conflits violents et d’instauration et de pérennisation de la paix.
